Tuesday 1 November 2011

What can CHEW do for you?

What can CHEW do for you?

We may be the office you never knew you knew! The Center for viagra cialis online pharmacy pharmacy Education and Wellness can be seen all over JHU's campus through our student groups, events, campaigns, and free giveaways. Maybe you just never realized who was behind the messages. We are the health promotion arm of the Student Health and Wellness Center (no, we are not the same office contrary to popular belief). Our mission is to provide health education programming and health promotion to the student population to foster a healthier JHU community. How do we do this? By offering a variety of programs and opportunities that support and affirm student health and wellness through the delivery of fun and interactive programming and outreach. If this isn't sounding familiar to you, perhaps you'll recognize one of these:

PEEPs Peer Health Educators: PEEPs (Preventative Education & Empowerment for Peers) are part of a peer health education program designed to provide a setting in which students can discuss and explore health issues. PEEPS are trained to present health information on a variety of topics such as men’s/women’s health, sexual health, nutrition, stress management, and alcohol, drugs, and tobacco.

Stressbusters: Stressbusters provide free five minute back-rubs to other students and staff at events or meetings to promote relaxation. You can become a stressbuster: the requirements are stress free and the training is for life!

Hopkins Kicks Butts: HKB is JHU's Anti-Tobacco Coalition. They are dedicated to raising awareness about the harm and dangers of tobacco use. Through tabling, campaigns, policy change, and outreach, HKB works to make Homewood a healthier, smoke-free environment.

SEE for Yourself on Monday: The SEE Campaign (Sleep, Eat, Exercise) is all about helping JHU students maintain a healthy balance of rest, exercise, and nutritious eating that can have a positive influence on performance. The SEE for Yourself campaign challenges every student to take time out once each week to balance their lives and improve their health!

Stop@Buzzed: The Stop@Buzzed Campaign is an alcohol awareness message that asks students who choose to drink, to drink responsibly. By staying within a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .02 to .06, you can feel all the euphoric 'buzzed' effects of alcohol without the negative and unhealthy consequences. So if you do drink, choose to Stop@Buzzed!

Condom Sense: Condom Sense is a program that allows students to purchase brand name condoms for a fraction of the price! For just $4/pack of 12, students can receive Trojan, Durex, or Variety packs. To order, simply visit this site!

Want to learn more? Visit our blog regularly for updates on upcoming promotions, current events, notes from our student leaders, and tips to keep you healthy and well.

So until next time, CHEW on this!

Saturday 29 October 2011

Health benefits of Chlorophyll

[Extracted from the web page of www.nutritional-supplements-health-guide.com]

Chlorophyll is actually responsible for the green pigmentation in plants. What does chlorophyll do ? Chlorophyll is what absorbs energy from the sun to facilitate photosynthesis in plants. Chlorophyll to plants is like blood to humans. It is important in many plant metabolic functions such as growth and respiration.

Interestingly, chlorophyll is chemically similar in composition to that of human blood, except that the central atom in chlorophyll is magnesium, while iron is central in human blood. This, and the fact that chlorophyll is central in plan metabolism, had prompted scientists to find out if chlorophyll can offer similar benefits to humans. A number of chlorophyll researches have been focused on finding out the potential chlorophyll health benefits in humans.

Chlorophyll has been seen to provide health benefits to those who take them. It has anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties. Here are some of the known chlorophyll benefits :

• It has been seen to help in the growth and repair of tissues.

• Chlorophyll helps in neutralizing the pollution that we breathe in and intake everyday - a good supplement for smokers

• It efficiently delivers magnesium and helps the blood in carrying the much needed oxygen to all cells and tissues.

• It is also found to be useful in assimilating and chelating calcium and other heavy minerals.

• It had been seen to have a good potential in stimulating red blood cells to improve oxygen supply.

• Along with other vitamins such as A, C and E, chlorophyll has been seen to help neutralize free radicals that do damage to healthy cells.

• Chlorophyll is also an effective deodorizer to reduce bad breath, urine, fecal waste, and body odor.

• It may reduce the ability of carcinogens to bind with the DNA in different major organs in the body.

• Chlorophyll may be useful in treating calcium oxalate stone ailments

• It possesses some anti-atherogenic activity as well.

• It can be used to treat infected wounds naturally.

• These are only a few of the multitude benefits that chlorophyll can do to the body.

• It has antimutagenic and anti-carcinogenic properties so that it may be helpful in protecting your body against toxins and in reducing drug side effects.

The only obvious chlorophyll sources are green leafy plants. However, cooking destroys much of the chlorophyll. If you want to enjoy the aforementioned benefits of chlorophyll, it is best to get your regular supply through chlorophyll supplements. Chlorophyll extracts, chlorophyll liquid solutions and chlorophyll online pharmacy are now widely available and can be bought in local drug and health stores. Whether they are in liquid of tablet form, chlorophyll benefits can allow you to enjoy a stronger immune system, strong set of tissues and organs, and a naturally healthy body and life.

Tuesday 3 May 2011

¡Datos de partida!

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Buenas equipo!
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Bueno a nivel personal espero que os esté gustando la manera que estoy tratando de organizar nuestro blog y bueno, espero vuestra cooperación y que escribamos mucho en él!!

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